Yoli asked for more dress-up pictures, and since we have all three been down with colds this past week, and the weather sleety and lowering, keeping us from our usual running schedule, I can oblige.

Q and I spent a particularly fuzzy-headed afternoon playing around with cameras and hats again.

It's really the only chance I have to get her in all the lovely dresses that have been sent to us by Q's many fans (and friends, and relatives, and...).
There's a whole stack of them...too many, even, for the small dress rail in her closet. And honestly, she's not much of a dress girl. Not that she doesn't look good in them - she does! Oh, she does, and then some! But she's a tomboy, a daredevil, a stuntman. My little Danger Mouse. Always with dirty knees and bare, scuffed feet. So she spends most of her time in pants (and often gets mistaken for a boy).

This is my proof that, now and then (only just occasionally!), when we're home alone and feeling cooped-up, she can really get into a game of dress-up. I don't want to overdo it, lest I sour her on the whole thing.
I love this post!!! you girls are so cute :o) by the way: my little niece is really a little tomboy too - and I LOVE it...wish you a great day!
You both look wonderful - I love your outfit so much, the hat, the pants, the sandals!
I love these dress up photos!!! I saw this woman here in Paris with the same striped socks / stockings you had. It reminded me of your right away!!
great pics! love your hat :)
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