We virtually never have weekend days off - weekends are work days for us. But on this particular sunny Saturday, we had a full day off as a family of three, thanks to the wedding of some good friends. M. took the day off work, and we spent the whole thing, morning 'til night, enjoying eachothers' company.

A morning at the University and lunch at an old favorite haunt was followed by an afternoon walk to the park.

The evening gallery wedding reception down in the Santa Fe arts district was the capper to our day. And what a beautiful space for a reception!

Q got to spend some much-anticipated time with her friend Esme - "Edgy" was the very first friend Q made upon coming to the US from China, just a bit older than Q, and the daughter of our close friends.

While some people prefer to have a babysitter for an evening event, I actually prefer an event that is child-friendly so I can bring my munchkin along. Part of this is, of course, thanks to the fact that she behaves so beautifully at social events. She really is a champ, and always makes me proud.

Plus, what a fabulous space for two little ones to play in!

I hope they didn't leave too many fingerprints on the paintings. I love for Q to have the opportunity to soak up art and creative environments whenever she gets the chance.

Dancing to the High Beams as the evening wore on.

The only tragic part of this story is that somehow, amid the festivities, I failed to get one single picture of the bride and groom themselves. This is especially unfortunate since they both looked so gorgeous and stylish in their extremely hip wedding finery. I wish you could have seen the bride's retro-chic 3/4 length wedding dress with its hand-sewn fabric flowers, topped with a chic formal jacket....sadly, there is no way for me to remedy this oversight. Blame it on chasing a toddler around an art gallery all night!

It does our souls good to have a night out as a family now and then, and the added benifits of old friends and good company made this one particularly satisfying.
What a genius venue for a wedding! Love the photos and equally adore Q's outfit!
Nothing better than special family time! And I agree with you, I prefer to take our little crumb with us and have done so since day one! They grow up SO fast and I don't want to miss a minute of it!
Mel, I agree 150%! Time goes so fast at this stage, and you never get it back! Carpe diem!
Wauw that looks terricfic! and runnug after a toddler sounds familiar to me ;-)
Jeah, that is just a great weekend!!!!
lovely as usual! my little caramel will be 9 months old tomorrow, soon he will be hoping around as well! i do take him to the museum and everywhere actually. enjoying things in a different way. thanks for sharing... in case you do not know it, you may like this blog http://petitsbonheurs123.wordpress.com/
Guusje and Daan, it WAS a gorgeous weekend - and I know you can both relate to chasing the little ones ;)
Kenza, We adopted our daughter at 11 mos, so I don't even know the stage your little Caramel is going through right now, but oh, the fun you have ahead of you! I find I experience everything much more intensely and with a great deal more joy in the presence of my child than ever before.
and... I am a big fan of petitsbonheurs...you guessed right! Love her photography.
One can feel the happiness oozing out of your images!
Enjoy so much reading you chasing after Q.
I adore your way!!
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