My discovery to share with you today is
Kenza's newest blog
caramelcaramelo. It seems to be relatively undiscovered so far, and I think it deserves an audience. She keeps introducing me to the most wonderful artists (like her post on the "blue break collection" of drawings by Francois Avril, two of which are shown above). My blog visits in general are sporadic at best right now since every free minute is going toward working the bugs out of my shop, but each time I stop by Kenza's blog there's a wonderful new discovery waiting for me. Hope you enjoy it too!
thank you! i am honored. your blog brings so much joy and that touch of simple well... life--simply life, lived in all its beauty. thank you. kenza.
I must tell you.... this blog is kindness & looooove! A really Rolls Royce blog - me like like!
Agneta from Sweden
Agneta, you just made me smile so wide!
Oh thank you for the sharing the link- a very nice blog! I just read this post and thought you may like it too http://theplumtree.blogspot.com/
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