We are having chilly, grey weather alternating with gorgeous, golden fall days...and I'm kind of enjoying both kinds.

She is threatening to draw on my camera lens with her crayon.

She has succeeded in drawing on my camera lens with her crayon.

It was worth it.
Maia, simply beautiful. I love her hat, I have a couple of hats like those for my Mongolian warrior. Of course, here, they do not get much use. Still, I must buy them, I am addicted to them. I am hoping to use some in Beijing, since will be probably there in winter. Oh and don't get me started on boots.
I like that you allowed her to paint your lens, so sweet. I am so digging her style!
I bought that hat as an anniversary present for my husband, the year before our adoption. We were a year into the waiting process, and buying eachother nothing but gifts for our daughter at that point. But yeah, it was a huge score! And it's the only hat that she consistently loves and will actually wear for more than two minutes running.
Fun shots, cute outfit!
that hat, that hat! I LOVE that hat! And she looks so so happy!
I´m happy for you!
sorry/typo... she is amazing in her hat!
Oh, can I please have Q's outfit! It's darling!!
Oh my god, she looks adorable in that outfit and especially that hat. love it!
Love the sweater! Looks hand knit. The best kind. Where did you find it?
Cara, you're right - the sweater was a wonderful handmade find from etsy seller theAnecdotes. It's alpaca and super-soft, so Q loves to wear it. Isn't it cool?
Thanks! It's so nice. I love the style of all her sweaters. Her prices are super reasonable too esp. for Alpaca. I wish I could get one before we leave for France next wed. since it's getting cold there, but i'm afraid it may not get here in time... Guess i'll have to wait till we get back!
Oh my. That hat suits your little one well! Oh, and I just saw your story of it. Great! She looks so stylish!
Maia, Thank you so much for sharing this link with me! Beyond cute! I am honored by your patronage.
all my best, jacquelyn
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