Second snow!! And it's not even the middle of October!

Curiouser and curiouser.

I'm beginning to think that dire Farmer's Almanac prediction about this winter might have some veracity behind it.

Get out your mukluks and seal up the window cracks, it's gonna be a cold one!
Just darling!
I simply cannot believe how big the Q is and, of course, stunning!
Your beautiful snow queen!
That QQ! So dramatic. Her gestures and expressions tell a whole story. Do you think her sense of movement was to make up for not talking?
OMG! winter is well under way...
and your snow queen seems ready for the fun!
My first thought is Max's crown from Where The Wild Things Are. DARLING photos! Although, I don't think any photo could turn out bad with little Q in them!
Hope you all are staying warm! Brrrr!
what a beatiful little girl you have!
Je me posais le même genre de réflexion hier..j'aurais voulu vivre à Lausanne, en Suisse, continuer l'école Waldorf en pleine nature avec les filles. Pouvoir vivre les saisons...mais je vis à Paris et c'est ainsi...et je suis quand même heureuse et les filles le sont aussi. Bonne journée.
I showed your daughter my daughter and she said, Oh she looks like a "wild thing" - like Max in "Where the wild things are!"
It's a GREAT pleasure to "read" Q.
Going through post by post, picture by picture, it's just like reading a story book!
She's a wonder.
can't believe it... but i must say i like the idea :-)
Brrrrrrrrr !
Stay warm !
I love Q's outfit
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