No, it's not summer again. Well, not yet, anyway. Give it a couple days and we may yet get another reprieve (that's Colorado!). But there's an awful lot of snow to melt if we do!
This is actually just an indication of how very far behind I am on photos at the moment! This is yet another set from the
MCA a couple weeks ago during our first Indian summer.

...lest anyone fear for the health of her self image ;) That "#1" she seems to be giving herself in the last frame? Or maybe she's pointing heavenward like a Renaissance painting. I have no idea. I can't even begin to explain it, except to say that that's pure, unadulterated Q. She is a force of her own creation.
Incidentally this VDJ dress has had a lot of play over the last couple seasons, as you can see! Which reminds me that I'm probably due for a new header soon. Why are there not more hours in a day?
Nothing to do with this post, but your illustation are beautiful! They really stir up amazing emotion in me. So full of life.
girls and mirrors hey... she's such a cutie...
Oh, my. If I may, your photo collages are breathtaking, your art even more so, and the description of your happiness a few posts down is my favorite of them all.
I'm hooked! See you soon...
These are wonderful! I love how she starts out a bit cautiously playing with her reflection and very quickly realizes what she is seeing and starts having fun with her reflection.
Love the simplicity and colors of these photos, and the way you put them together. I especially like how Q stands out, she is the star of the show after all.
Have an amazing weekend!
great takes! there's really something about mirrors and these 2/3-year olds, they do love smiling at and talking to their own reflection :)
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