Apparently she senses it's football season.

We had spectacular fall colors for about three days. The two days of snow and frigid temperatures that followed killed the rest of the leaves instantly on the branches, and they fell en masse as soon as the temps rose above freezing again. It's a bit apocalyptic to look at, but at the same time kinda cool.

She looks good in red, don't you think?

I love this season.

Carrying mommy's bag is a point of pride.
Sorry!!! typing mistake for the former note ...
I'm overwhelmed by Q! She's so charming in the red!
She is as beautiful in red as any flower I have ever seen!
i thought i left a note earlier! love that pumpkin-ey red! glad you liked the v. colors maia.
She is just love!!
Q is so lovely in automnal color!!!
Red, blue, yellow, what color can't she pull off? She is just gorgeous. The look on her face while holding the football kills me.
Always wondering where the gorgeous little clothes come from especially since Q wears them so well. Do you mind sharing for her red winter dress? So sweet.
Cara, the wool dress is Oilily, but I got it second-hand, so I don't know whether it was from last year's collection or when. It's sweet, though, isn't it? I get almost all her clothes second-hand since she grows so very fast!
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