A milkshake. Something we take for granted, no?
But for a child born with a cleft palate, learning to suck from a straw is one of the greatest challenges.

After a few accidental false starts over the past month or so, our Q mastered the straw this past week, just under a year after her first surgery. And on what did she choose to master her technique? A chocolate shake. Arguably the most difficult thing that one can suck through a straw (don't elaborate on that, OK?).

And here's the thing, she doesn't even like icecream! So why a shake? My guess is, a lot like Mt. Everest: because it's there.

A beautiful sight to a mother's eyes.
Oh! Marvelous! What a milestone for you, I am sure. Boy, she is a sweetheart.
ps - our beautiful fall lasted about four days... I hope it comes back. Very high winds have blown off many leaves. And we seem to have a swine flu problem up here!
Well done little Q! Have a sneaking suspicion this little lady will one day climb mountains.
Having had surgery on my own mouth following a boat accident when I was 16, I remember well the important seemingly small milestones (like smiling) which meant soooo much for me.
what joy! quel délice!
a little something for you cuisinetulipe.blogspot.com/2009/10/moss-gardens-kyoto-japan.html
Well done, cutiepie! You two must be sooooo proud! Big kiss for you brave cookies xxx
Yea! Go, Little Q! You should come to Portland, where we have some wonderful places to get good milkshakes - and even a malted or two.
What a sweet treat - in every sense!
Camille ne peut plus avaler depuis son accident, elle est nourri par une sonde. Je vois les progrès de Q, c'est superbe!!!!
and such good taste for her first straw experience.
that is amazing- my friends daughter took 2 years after her final surgery to master the straws. Q is something!
what a cute little girl ou have! and congrats - i guess a chocolate shake is not just a chocolate shake.
new on your blog. it's beautiful. i have been going through your side links. so inspirational!
i will be back :)
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