My latest blog love: tous les jours dimanche. A blog about life in a house in the French countryside. Oh, the beauty!
As you can see from our blog, life in our little corner of Denver hardly even qualifies as "city" life. Still, having moved down here only three years ago after fifteen years living in the mountains, I do long a bit for the "country house" lifestyle. When I was a child, we split our lives very evenly between nature and civilization, high culture and rustic living. We would in any given year spend, say, the bulk of the school year in Woodstock, or Taos, or wherever we were calling home that winter, then a week in Paris, a month in Provence, then back stateside to live quietly for the summer in a pioneer-era cabin without electricity or plumbing in the mountains of Southern Colorado...then back to New York again. These days, I do not have the luxury of that peripatetic lifestyle. As my mother says, those were different times, and it was easier to eek out a living. Although life with our daughter is more joyful by half than anything I've ever known before, and although every single day I savor the unexpected pleasures of our domestic bliss, I do miss the luxury of living all those different lives juuuuuust the teeniest bit.
Sometimes, it's just nice to live vicariously through someone else's beautiful pictures ;) And these are among the most exquisite, the most dream-inspiring that I've seen anywhere.
That is what I love about the world of blogging. You get to view these beautiful parts of the world as if you were a close friend. The pictures unlike a travel brochure are intimate and the insight into that world much more honest. Great find.
Yes! These are so "Heidi". Reminding me that I still want to have a summer hiking vacation in the Alps with sleeping in haylofts. Dreamy.
I am in Taipei this moment, at the airport about to come back to the rainy northwest. A quick peek at all the blogs I've missed this week while in China. Oh QQ. I painted alot in the evenings in preparation for a show I have on the 24th. I confess, QQ's face is creeping into my work.
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