Though my shop isn't up and running yet, this print sold during the window of time when my husband was doing a "dry run" of the Etsy shop. It was only meant to be a sort of dress rehearsal...but someone got in there and ordered a print, weeks before the prints were even in production. Gulp.
Fortunately she was very graceful and understanding about the whole thing, and today I was finally able to send her print on its merry way. It was a good feeling!
The poster-sized prints arrived yesterday (and look gorgeous!) And as soon as the limited edition prints on Hahnemuhle watercolor paper are ready for pickup, I'll be able to get those listings up in my Etsy shop and we'll be open for business!
How very very exciting for you! Congratulations.
This is great !!
This is wonderful news! Keep me posted. xoxo
I may have to design my girls room around a (very) special print!!!
What wonderful news! Congratulations on the first print - and on many many more to fly out of your hands.
I was telling my father about your blog (he lost his sight some years ago), and he is quite fascinated by the title and idea of weaving your daughter in and out like a magic thread. He wants to know what the title means... what exactly do you mean by Une Envie de Sel, and why do you call yourself The Wanderer's Daughter? I hope you don't mind his curiosity! xx
Congratulations! I will be checking in at the shop.
I can't wait until it's open! Congratulations!! xoxo
Open, open, open, open!
(obviously, I can't wait!)
Thanks for all the sweet comments, guys! You make me smile!
Shaista (good to hear from you again!) Une Envie de Sel was the title of an article in a French magazine that I happened to be reading when I started the blog. I wanted a title that was different, and one that reflected me in a real way. First of all, I just liked the unusual ring to it. It means a desire or craving for salt. A craving for sugar would have been an obvious thing, overused, but a craving for salt was something a little different. There are many other odd little connections - I had a great uncle who was a salt farmer in the South of France. Salt is something that leaches out of the desert in many of the places I love to travel (though I don't live in the desert, I have always been drawn to it). Also, a doctor once told me that my blood work indicated that I needed more salt in my diet. This was so unexpected as to be almost absurd, and it stuck with me.
As for the wanderer's daughter - that has a much more simple explanation. I'm the product of a peripatetic family, back many generations. Many of us were adventurers, world travelers, and just plain wanderers by nature. Since I was an only child, my parents traveled the world with me starting when I was just a few months old. We were constantly on the road, camping, road-tripping, in both the US and abroad. We physically moved every two years until I was almost 20. So I am the wanderers' daughter, and by the same token my daughter is as well.
congratulations! how wonderful! kenza
I'm looking forward to it.
You know I will be visiting the new shop.
Still longing to have one of these little red balloon girls.
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