Preparations for Q's birthday party...

...and more of my mum's beautiful house.

Flowers from the local farmer's market, and balloons that Daddy ordered from
Houst & Sons.

My mum collects in color schemes. They are Eastern color schemes, to my Western eye (I've been in the west for nearly two decades now) but I have passed through the discomfort with the east coast that sent me west, and on to a new appreciation and love for the place where I was born, if not entirely raised.

For finger food, my mum pulled out a cookbook that has been in our family for longer than I can remember, and unearthed a recipe that my parents used to make when I was very small. Mike was recruited to put his professional spin on it, and the result...

...was transcendent. I love when family history comes full circle into the present day.

Another beautiful room, and another of my mum's gorgeous bird paintings.

Little bits of the Eastern ecosystem that, from the distance of so many years, have come to appear fanciful and exotic to my eyes.

More tidbits from the studio.

If my own workspace were anywhere near so organized and graceful, I would feature it here as well. As it is, you'll have to make do with my mum's.

Preparing for guests to arrive.

Q woke from her nap on that day to the unprecedented
surprise of a few dozen balloons, scattered about the property.

She could hardly believe her fortune.
the house is simply beautiful! love the artworks and charming accents...wish i can make my home as charming and inviting. i'm sure celebrating Q's birthday there made it extra special.
what a beautiful home! what a beautiful way to celebrate Q´s birthday - LOVE this post! Wish you such a great day today with a lot of hugs and kisses!
beautiful house! so charming! and how cute this little one is!
happy birthday darling Q!
Happy Birthday Q! What a wonderful sight to wake up to, for anyone really but especially for a child. Your mom's home is lovely and oh so welcoming! Wish you all a wonderfully happy day celebrating your girl's birthday.
QQ--Happy Brithday! You are such an Exceeding Joy!
we can feel the excitement. I hope she has a beautiful day.
La maison de ta maman est charmante, on voudrait s'y trouver de suite...Merci pour la visite.Un très joyeux anniversaire de la part de Tatiana, Aliénor, Camille et Evelyne pour Q. Félicitations aux heureux parents et à Mamy.
what a gorgeous celebration... your mother's home is stunning! it seems so peaceful and serene. a far cry from the arizona desert!
i just popped over from cup of jo... loving your blog!
booooho, i arrive much too late! i'm sure you had a great day! sending Q a lot of kisses!
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