Interlude: Back in Colorado...a portrait of Q with swine flu.

When Q was diagnosed positive for the dreaded flu, her pediatrician told us to put it in the baby book: this was an historic occasion. Unfortunately, I have to admit I'm not a baby-book sort of person. I don't scrapbook, and I'm not a good record keeper. My blogs
are my baby book. So...
here's my memory of Q with the famous flu. Her mommy has the dubious honor of also having had the last version back in 1976 (for the record, that version was pretty dreadful). I am the kind of person who rarely gets sick...in fact 1976 may have been the last time I had a flu of any sort. So I'm not sure what that says about me...I guess I have an affinity for porcine diseases?.
As you can see, even when she's sick, Q is a ray of sunshine.

We had to emerge from our quarentine to make a run down to DU to pick up daddy's books for the fall semester, and the campus is so lovely that I had to take advantage and shoot a few pictures.
Don't worry, we didn't touch, approach, or sneeze in the direction of anyone, nor even did we go inside!

Figured we wouldn't do any harm out here. And besides, it was such a beautiful day...

How could we stay indoors?

This was her reaction to some students playing a makeshift game of golf in the quad.
Votre blog est rempli de bonheur,vos photos sont sublimes.Merci de votre visite.
My tough little girl!
Wish she will get well soon.
Kisses from the other side of the world :)
Get better soon, QQ ! I think that we'll have to go through this too, unfortunately. Classes are already closing here..
She is such a graceful child. I love how delicate she looks, like a ballerina. I hope you all feel better soon. I have been so worried about you guys.
Oh, no! I'm praying she is much better by now!
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