I love walking in NY for so many reasons. Bottom line, it's just a great walking town. But one of my favorite things about the City is street style.

There is just no end to the personal style to be found on the streets of New York. And it's not just about fashion (in fact, if you ask me, it's seldom about fashion at all - but that's another argument entirely). Here's the perfect example. This girl has it all. She is wearing the simplest outfit - the LBD, the simple black heels, the oversized bag slung behind her, the slightly messy "I just rolled out of bed" ballerina bun, the cigarette and iced tea. But what brings it all together is her attitude - her walk, her carriage, the cock of her wrist and backward tilt of her shoulders. She is graceful. She is confident. She is just a little arrogant. I love it.
I was pushing a stroller and trying to unwrap my camera strap from the handles as I attempted to shoot these pictures, so none are clear. But I couldn't resist.
You have street style. You ooze it.
I see it, I see it and I agree with Jeanne, you ooze it!
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