My latest series of illustrations (mainly involving girls and animals) has put me in a certain mood as the seasons change. Maybe you can glean a bit of it from my recent spate of Etsy purchases:

This fantastic Max costume was a must-have when I found it from Etsy seller katesy (also comes in a shaggy fabric, if you're partial to the Spike Jonze film version).

Then I found this wolf hat at Etsy seller lollytots. Could NOT resist.
Needless to say, Q is going to be in a bit of a fairytale state this winter.

And if I had an iBook (which I don't), I would definitely be getting this skin for it. Sadly, my husband found this someplace random, and I can not now find the source. Anyone know?
LOVE the Max outfit!!
i cannot wait for that movie!!
Mac decal is here ( http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30597204 ). Etsy, of course. ;)
Sweet! Thanks, Jen!
We were thinking of dressing Zubin as Max this Halloween. You have tempted me.
This is beautiful. Everything here speaks to my soul.
I love this...the last one is amazing! want it.
Nic, I'll be looking forward to seeing the Z-Max come Halloween ;)
Haha! I love the Max outfit. And I see that there's also an adult sized version in the shop, too!
Who will be dressing up as Max? You or the Q?
Haha! Both costume and hat are for Q. She does make an adult Max, but that doen't make sense to me. I think Q will be a perfect Max, however - and I think it might help endear the story to her as well ;)
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