
 For months, I've had a bag of Home Depot supplies stashed in my closet, against the day when I might finally find the leisure time to paint a chalkboard wall in the livingroom for Q.
 In the end, it was my husband who forced the issue by completely clearing a corner of the room one day while Q and I were out.
I'm the one with housepainting expertise, so it fell to me to do the actual masking and painting, 
but once I set my mind to it, 
it was quite quick and easy.
And oh, so much better than yet another toy to clutter up the house!
The chalkboard wall has provided Q with hours of entertainment every day since. 
She loves the whole process of drawing, and then taking her wet cloth and washing down the board 
from top to bottom, side to side,
and then starting the creative process all over again.


Di said...

That does look like a lot of fun! We have a giant blackboard from my mum's old school (it was demolished in 1990) in our garage - I often wondered if I could get it in my house - but really it's just too large.

I love your photos in the post below - it does look beautiful!

Evelyne said...

Tu as bien raison d'offrir ce tableau à QQ; Quand j'étais petite je dessinais aussi beaucoup dessus et Aliénor aussi. J'ai fait des photos de ses plus belles oeuvres amenées à disparaître !
Je suis souvent étonnée de voir que dans les écoles maternelles à Paris le tableau sert de support à des accrochages obligatoires (emploi du temps, calendrier...) mais pas aux enfants.
Bonne journée à vous trois.