
 It always makes the world just a bit brighter to have them in town.
 And also, just a bit goofier!

 The cousins took it upon themselves to draw Q a yellow brick road, knowing how much she loves The Wizard of Oz (or "the lizard" as she calls it). Could there be a sweeter gift??
 Walking her yellow brick road with her pink turtle.
Chalk. Possibly the best thing ever invented for kids.


Rosa said...

Aww that's adorable, you should get her a stuff toy dog to call Toto. So she can live the story more! Q has grown so much since I started reading your blog.

Evelyne said...

Une famille adorable, elle en a de la chance QQ!
Bon dimanche Maïa !

Kenza said...

So many smiles! You have brightened my day! Thank you!

Ling said...

Q and the cousins are the perfect models to sell your clothing line :)