Rainy days are perfect for Moomin stories.

My mum read me the original Moomin books throughout my early childhood, and they became an integral part of my consciousness. I was delighted to discover the graphic-novel-styled versions as an adult. My husband bought me one when we were in San Francisco, and the Q has been roundly enjoying it ever since we brought it home.

I can't wait until she's old enough to appreciate the actual stories.

In the meantime, I'm sure the wonderful characters are imprinting themselves on her tiny sponge of a brain.

Moomins = joy, even on the darkest of days.
Cette description donne envie de découvrir ce trésor!!!
it`s always naivety and joy time when i was young and read about it like this story .
lovely drawings... just a bit of naïve and clever... Thanks for the link and all your comments on my blog! I also discover your websites and I so pleased!!! Your drawings are amazing...
yay!! moomins:)
I love them
Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the moomins!!!! I´ve totally forgotten them, but now I am back in my childhood! Thank you! ;o)
I love moomin! This is one of my favorite cartoon series and it's still popular in Japan!
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