Oh my goodness how I love ranunculus. I love them only just slightly less than peonies, and on odd days only just slightly more than peonies.

Look at that luscious, ridiculous, profligate, buttery beauty. The audacity of it! To have a beauty like that, and to display it out in public, for all to see. This flower has no shame. No shame at all.

Did you ever?

Does it make your head swim?

It makes my head swim.

Pure, three-dimensional sunshine on a cloudy day.

Exquisite. And they contrast so well with that unicorn sedge, don't you think?
Tes photos de fleurs, Maïa sont toujours très lumineuses, on ressent l'amour que tu as pour elles.
Love them! Oh and that title font is lovely too.
Maia I love your pictures of flowers so much! They are just sooooo gorgeous,always!
Ranunculus has a beauty all its own. I used to think they were a "poor man's peonies". But they are not!ra
They are lovely. I like them as much as your words accompanying the photos!
Fantastic! We have yellow weed flowers in our room right now, buuut these look so much more sunshiney. =)
Oh, yes... my most favorite flower ever! Lovely photos!
Renoncules are my favorite flowers!!!! thanks for all your comments on my blog! It made my day lovely!
Woow, these are lovely photos! They are swinging...
Very pretty and beautiful!
I'm a big fan of ranunculus! :)
... my recent post is about flowers, it would be great if you come and take a look! :)
thanks for sharing these beauties!
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