Our Q is obsessed with basketball. Which statement has nothing to do with this skirt. The skirt was my doing...a lark, a laugh. She would never have chosen it herself. And yet, always game, she just accepted it.

But tell me...does it not make the most delicious contrast with her dribbling style?

It's not just basketball (although that is, at present, her sport of choice) she loves all types of balls. Soccer, I think, would be her second choice, and she has quite the accurate footwork already!

Releasing a ball that had become stuck under the tulle of her skirts.

But here's the really funny part: we have
no idea where she got it. Neither my husband nor I play any team sports - we are both strictly the running/skiing/hiking/snowboarding types. Furthermore, we don't have cable, and we don't watch sports of any kind, live or televised. So...she can't have seen it on TV. It is just - pure and simple - her. This is one of her facets. It fascinates me....

...although it also frightens me, because I have no talent whatsoever for ball sports, and couldn't throw in a straight line if my life depended on it. Q is already a better shot at 20 months of life than I am after years of...OK, well, I never really practiced. But you get the picture.

she is so lucky to have such a skirt!!! I want the same!!!!
Do you sew? I am assuming that you do. That must be one of the delightful aspects of having a daughter: the clothing that you can create for her.
I love it. I can see her wearing little black Chinese slippers with it -- though not while dribbling.
she's so cute!
I love the skirt! I would so wear it :) She looks like a lovely flower in it. And I love your flower shots. They look so delicate.
I want the same shirt !!! and the same flowers .... wonderful pictures as usual ...
What a cutie!!
That skirt is just...unbelievably whimsical.
Isn't it a great skirt? My sister-in-law sent it for QQ and she's just now growing into it...she has the teensiest waist! All waistbands are too big for her.
Lorna, I'm sad to say I don't sew. I am entirely undomesticated. I can barely clean the house when pressed. My husband is the cook (lucky me!), and a far better gardener than I. But when it comes to sewing we are at the mercy of others. My creativity relates to other areas, I'm afraid.
Tutu's an basketball! I had a feeling she was my kind of girl :-)
My husband and I were just asking ourselves the other day what were we going to do if our kids ended up being "team sports" types. We are both on the far other end of that spectrum so that would be a change for our family too but one of the wonderful things about adoption is all the delicious surprises!
Oh, that skirt!! Darling! Wonder if it comes in adult sizes!
Oh what a delight! I love the skirt! And Basketball. I have just come out from China and now in Hong Kong. No blogs were allowed for some time now and so I dashed to my office here in Hong Kong to see the lastest on Q, hoping I didn't miss much.
these images are magic!
yes! the tutu twirls with the spirit of the blooming flower.
The flower of course - your little girl.
Love the correlation.
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