The other day this gorgeous tea towel, so beautifully wrapped, arrived in the mail from Yanyan of
Suvi Ainoa.

Suvi Ainoa is a dream of Yanyan's, soon to be realized - a lifestyle brand that celebrates simple living. This tea towel features a design by the wonderful Finnish artist
Hanna Konola. Check out her site. The work is so striking, dreamlike and yet grounded and earthy.

This simple image of the house with its little trail of footprints is so evocative of the simple pleasures of a home, and it struck me right away when I saw it on Yanyan's blog (her
web shop will be open soon). It's like a flash of emotion in a single printed image.

Q loves to open packages that come in the mail for her, but is sometimes more interested in the wrappings than in the contents. On this occasion, however, she was immediately taken with the tea towel, and carried it around for quite some time holding it up to see.

This is the actual print as posted on Yanyan's blog. In "the flesh", it is really almost too beautiful to use as a tea towel, a work of contemporary art transformed into a beautifully-crafted household object. I think since Q is so taken with it, I'll be tempted to use it as a wall-hanging instead.
Many thanks, Yanyan! We adore it!
The caveat to this story is that Yanyan hails from the same region of China as the Q. Q will someday understand this, and I think it will be an important and meaningful early connection for her.
very very cute!
I just got mine today. She is such a sweet lady. All heart. I will be posting soon. I love the artwork and I did not know that the Q hailed from her region. That explains why she is so beautiful.
Lovely! Yanyan is so sweet indeed! and what a nice touch.
I am so happy that Q likes it! This means a lot to me. The reason I started Suvi Ainoa is to share what I love with people who appreciate the similar kind of beauty in life. And to meet wonderful people like Maia, Qiu Qiu, Alliot, Iza, Yoli, Kenza, Fei An, Deborah... and all your lovely children. I am really happy you like it. And thank you so much for your kind post! Much love to Qiu Qiu.
Just love Hanna's drawings and I can't wait for the opening of Suvi Ainoa. When Q holds the tea towel up I can't help to think of how sweet it would also look as a dress!
I would make a beatiufl skirt for Q if I have two pieces of this tea towl:) Very sweet, indeed!!!
I can't wait for mine to arrive... or for Yanyan's shop to open. Lovely post.
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