Corner View: Gardens
Every year, there is that one day - the day when it's time to do our annual first run to the garden center and plant our first pots. It's always a sunny, breezy day, the first hot one of the season, and we're always a bit giddy with the brilliance of the new grass and the scent of apple blossoms on the wind.

In this part of Colorado, the local wisdom is that you don't plant until after mother's day, so we plant in pots that can be moved in or out, and only the hardies go in the flower boxes on the front stoop.

The garden center is a place of many wonders, and Q already has her favorite aisles. She likes to carry around watering cans and pretend to water the flowerpots as we go.

I am always attracted by the little creepers that serve as "filler" in the hanging baskets - something about them appeals visually. Carpets of tiny flowers. But last year I tried making a flower basket and was not terribly successful. I really shouldn't stretch myself when it comes to green isn't my talent.

Once our cart is loaded and we've bought all we can justify for the first round of the season...

...we traditionally head home and have a first picnic of the season on the lawn.

Q watered the cat, so daddy watered Q in return. Much hilarity ensued.

The pansies are for the flower boxes. I've seen pansies live through blizzards when we lived up in Vail. I trust them to withstand whatever comes our way.

Rolling in the new grass.
Just the day I needed to heal my wounded soul.
For more corner views, stop by
Joyce and
Jane.blouse and bloomers: l'atelier de marie et rose-alice
leggings: stella mccartney for gap
boy's t-shirt: target
Oh, seriously, how can your weather be SO different from ours?! Everything still beautiful there and so brown and ugly here. I'd love to see some flowers like yours soon. Thank you for this shot of Spring!
meant "is beautiful" ;)
The pink blouse the little flower on her head. Just precious and heartwarming. I am glad you had such a beautiful day.
The garden centre does look like a lot of fun! And the weather looked lovely too!
This set is lovely! and the words also. thank you sweet Maia.
spring blooming in the gardens and hearts!
A beautiful little flower in paradise ;)
this brought a smile to my face... what a beautiful day with your family!
Amazing garden center!
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