Bet you didn't expect to see this on Q's site!
Somehow so very early-80s Madonna, no?

Q goes to a lovely drop-in daycare about three times per month when mommy is desperately in need of some extra work time. She always protests going, but once there she usually has a grand old time. They have a climbing wall, an indoor "loft/treehouse", and a very extensive tool shed and play kitchen, which have been Q's favorites.

On her most recent visit, however, she apparently decided to visit the "dress-up corner" for the first time. When I came to pick her up that night, I saw her through the glass door wearing a purple princess dress and twirling in balletic circles. I was so shocked that I nearly fainted. This is so VERY uncharacteristic for the Q. But I figured - hey, if she wants to start exploring her girlie-thang, well...let her.
Hence this series of shots. The leggings and tank were the outfit she was wearing. I supplied the studded headband (one of her favorite babysitters from days past used to favor headbands, so Q calls this look "the Audrey"). The mini bowling shoes were a recent score from the thrift shop. The pettiskirt was her own addition to the outfit - a piece that my sister-in-law sent her last year, and which the Q drags out of the closet at odd intervals.
So, there you have it. Q's first self-contrived girlie moment. I guess it remains to be seen how far she will go with this new phase of her life.
well, with that hard-roch guitar and the sort-of tattoo, she looks pretty punk to me!
nothing to worry about.;)
she IS a girl after all, isnt she..
Cool! I liked Madonna back then....
A big kissssssss from here.
smakkkkkkkk x
Toutes les filles ont leur passage girlie....Adèle foulard dans les cheveux à 3/4 ans noué de différentes façons, Camille long foulard sur les épaules, Tatiana robe Bonpoint en soie mauve (même en hiver à l'école Waldorf, elle ne la quittait pas)et Aliénor des robes de princesse...j'ai échappé au côté Barbie!!!!
Q reste volontiers Rock'n'roll...
Hey I love it! Still very rock and roll!
To tell you the truth, I nearly fainted with joy from the header picture and seeing her today with that adorable bow and skirt is indeed a revelation. I think it is very refreshing seeing the girly side of Q! I tell you, she is a chameleon!
Happy Mother's Day, sweet mommy. Hope you get spoiled with love and attention.
Happy Mother's Day! Looks like all of Colorado is in a celebratory mood with you and the spring is bringing out Q's inner girly-girl!
lively Q ..... how match more Q love her life ! all appearing from this .
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