From Marrakesh, with love...

Recently, I at last ran out of self-control and ordered one of
Maryam's vintage Moroccan wedding blankets from her scrumptious online selection. It was very difficult to choose and, of course, even more difficult to wait for my choice to arrive!

Today, a box arrived from Marrakesh, feeling as sun-baked and warm as if it still held some of the gilded rays from that far-off city. Inside, along with the blanket (even more magnificent in person) was this mother-daughter pair of slippers for Q and I.

Q was enchanted by the blanket with its magical sequins that chime and jangle when you shake it...but she was beside herself about the slippers.

She was so excited, in fact, at the idea of mommy-and-Q slippers that she insisted we put them on and take pictures of our feet together.

Thank you, Maryam!

These treasures will be well-loved!
WOW! You got an exquisite blanket! Can't wait to see you incorporating it into your photograps. Maryam has such a beautiful soul. I remember when Sally got her slippers, she wore them to death. Enjoy!
Wonderful! Cute slippers!:) Have a great sunday! - Heidi
My slippers are near falling apart yet I cling to them...for one day I'll get my butt to Morocco to replace them.
LOVE your blanket. I bought one a few years ago from Maryam and it's time I bought another.
I love mine so much, and recently had been using it for display only. One night we had a cold snap. Rather than turn the furnace back on...I yelled to my hubby "Get me a blanket!" So he shows up with my wedding blanket and puts it on top of me (on top of the bedding I already had) and I had the BEST and warmest sleep. The weight of it was incredible and I never budged all night.
What a fantastic investment those blankets are. I look at mine, draped over a chair in my bedroom brings me so much joy.
Enjoy yours!!!
Q is the cutest!!
(and she is growing like a weed too!)
Gillian, you hit the nail on the head - the weight of it is wonderful. I can just imagine the comfort of sleeping under that soothing weight on a night with a bit of a chill in the air. I also love how generously long it is - at nearly six feet, I am a person who can appreciate a blanket with good length ;)
Magnifique sélection. Tu es très douée pour ce genre de découverte...Bon dimanche.
Love love love your post today... and I have missed you soo!!
Thanx for your kind comment!!
Agneta ;)
I've always wanted to get one of those wedding blanket... so beautiful!
What beautiful slippers, and what a pretty, pretty dress Q is wearing!
Quels beaux voyages avec vous! cette wedding blanket est absolument superbe!Q est jolie dans tout ce qu'elle porte... Vous êtes toutes les deux de belles ambassadrices de la féminité. Je me régale sur votre blog.
Full color and sunshine!
Beautiful to meet you and your sweetie pie. To see your blanket and Moroccan slippers from Maryam!!
May you continue to have a wonderful adventure with your little one!
Beautiful photographs you share!
nothing works like a bundle from morocco! enjoy!
the 2 pairs of shoes go very well with the umbrella! luv ur pictures~
What a lovely thought to send you two those slippers!
And I love the wedding blanket too.
I dream of ordering one, one fine day when I am finished with my studies and earned a penny or two, maybe. ;-)
awe....I love these photos....her little toes next the slippers. lovely lovely
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