Bliss recently posted about girl crushes, and since it's the weekend, and I'm in the mood for secrets...I though I'd take a little intermission and indulge in a few of mine. I like girl crushes. Well, the thing is, I don't have "guy crushes" anymore, since when it comes to men, I have never met one who could hold a candle (and I do not exaggerate) to the one who shares my home. So girl crushes will have to suffice.

Charlotte Gainsbourg always comes to mind. She fascinates me.
all photos via google images
I love her quirkiness, her moodiness, and her odd combination of fragile awkwardness and intense charisma. That, and I was a Birkin/Gainsbourg fan from way back, so...I guess it was destiny.

A long-standing one is Johnny Depp's gal, Vanessa Paradis. Some of you may remember her from the '80s as a French pop singer and model for Chanel.
all photos via google images
I admire her ability to live out of the spotlight, and her unwillingness to conform. As a tall person (I'm nearly six feet tall in bare feet), I have also always admired tiny, fearless women whose outward delicacy belies their inner boldness.

And finally, I can not do this post without mentioning Amy Eldon, human rights activist and filmmaker. Amy is the sister of Dan Eldon, slain Reuter's photographer and collage artist extraordinaire.

You may not recognize the face or the name (though when the film version of Dan Eldon's life comes out, starring Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe, the name might be more of a household word), but if you don't, you should look them up. The published version of Dan Eldon's collage journals, entitled The Journey Is The Destination, is nothing short of riveting. I found a foxed copy in my husband's stacks when we were first dating, borrowed it, and have never returned it (though since we live in the same house, it hardly matters now!) It sits on my bedstand and inspires me endlessly. A photojournalist and adventurer, Eldon died in a riot he was photographing at the age of 22.

You can find Amy's work, as well as "Global Tribe", the PBS show she hosts, at http://www.pbs.org/kcet/globaltribe/.
Just in front of me on my desk is The Journey is the Destination and The Art of Life (the biography of D.E.). I love his work. It's the only non-poetry book on my workspace.
As for girl crushes, I find that I fall for real people--a few years back on the adoption blogs, there was quite the talk of crushes for a while.
I have several girl crushes too. My first is Angelina Jolie for being a total original and a great humanitarian. Then, of course Oprah, I adore her and her humanity and my new one is Michelle Obama.
I also have a secret girl crush. Please don´t tell anybody, but the reason I started my yoga practis 8 years ago is Madonna.....
I have this Dan Eldon journals book. It's amazing. I picked it up at a uni book sale about 10 years ago and have treasured it ever since.
Charlotte is such a beautiful woman! I totally love her style and her face!
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