
 We went out yesterday morning for a quick drive into the mountains to see if we could catch any fall color.
 It was a spectacular day - just as early fall should be in Colorado, crisp and dry and not too hot.
 The colors have not reached their peak yet, but there were all sorts of wonders of the season to discover!

 View from the foothills down the front range to Golden Gate Canyon.

 The backroads were nearly empty and it felt like we had the world to ourselves!

 On the way down, we stopped for a cool-off in the river and to let the dogs play fetch and cool their heels in the mountain water.

Lovely day!


M*L*R said...

magnifiques lieux ! Et quelle complicité mère / fille!

....... said...

beautiful pics!! and that lovely dress!

how does Q feel now? i know those images tell us more than words! happy autum!

Yoli said...

I am expecting one day to click on your blog and see Q your height. Honestly, you just bought that dress not too long ago and it is looking like a top. She is so tall! Gorgeous girl.

How does it smell? That place looks so dreamy and peaceful and I am picturing in my mind that it smells of pine. Thank you for sharing.

Amélie said...

Beautiful ! ... and brightest fall color is Q's lovely dress.