Sophie also illustrates children's books, among other things, and not long after discovering her work I came across a series of books she'd illustrated called Ivy + Bean. The series targets school-aged children, so it's a little too old for the Q, but I couldn't resist buying one to read to her later when she's ready. I set it on my bedside table to read for myself, and Q discovered it there and took it down. Despite the fact that the books are a bit complex for her level, Q was instantly captured by the illustrations, which she pored over at length. Every morning when she comes into our bedroom, she takes it down off my stack of reading and leafs through it with a furrowed brow and a bright gaze.
One morning, after gazing at length at the cover illustration, where the two friends dig up a dinosaur bone, Q made an elaborate and apparently urgent series of signs to me (most of them signs she has invented) which I did not immediately understand. After several repetitions, she was at last able to convey to me the fact that she wished the two girls in the cover illustration would come and knock at our door, so that she could play with them.
Never have I seen a more vivid indication of the power of an illustration over the imagination of a child.
So it was that when I saw that Sophie Blackall had an Etsy shop, I was thrilled. After long and careful consideration, and many changes of mind, I picked a print to order, intending to hang it in Q's room.

The package arrived on our doorstep with lightening speed, and when Q and I opened it...oh, to our great suprise, there were gifts inside in addition to the gorgeous print, which was even more lovely "in the flesh". One of the surprise gifts was a card and envelope which, amazingly, featured the iceskating print that had been my second choice, and over which I had deliberated for a long time before ordering. The second gift - oh, joy! - was one of the books that Sophie has illustrated, with a note for Q.

I do love these packages you are getting! I must check into her blog. You and Q deserve the gifts!
wonderful! and in response to your previous post, it is wonderful to see them and so many with lovely photos. For me, it is like receiving a letter full of love every morning! thank you for sharing so much love and fun as well.
I love, love LOVe Sophie Blackall's work, and had no idea there were more of her illustrations available out there-- thanks! Your daughter is adorable wandering around the house with a book and a big crinoline... pretty much what I do all weekend.
:) this makes me happy.
cool artist, thanks for sharing!!!
Oh!!!! your daugther, love her skirt
Sophie Blackall's Missed Connections- and your daughter? Adorable.
She's so gorgeous! Wish my son would stand to be photographed like that - he hasn't got past the steal-the-camera-at-all-costs phase yet...
Loving those illustrations too, heading straight over to Etsy to check them out!
I love her tutu...and tatoo! Thank you for sharing this great book. Muguet would love the cover with the giant lollipop!
What IS it about little girls and tutus?
Maxine loves to put on one of hers - I have no idea how many we're up to now, at least three, I suspect - and spin around "like a ballerina!"
Q looks properly adorable.
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