One of my blog readers tipped me off to the WienerBlut (translates as "Vienna blood") brand of scents created by her brother.
I looked it up and was instantly intrigued. The website has the feel of a multimedia installation you might find at a contemporary art museum. The eerie, whispery soundtrack with undertones of ghosts from a bygone era. The scratchy arthouse visuals that smack of old projectors and musty rooms. Clearly not your typical perfume company. There's something edgy and extremely contemporary here, a departure.

Now, I've mentioned before that I'm picky about scents. I have a strong aversion to nearly all traditionally feminine scents, and I usually resort to either men's scents or very clean, woodsy unisex scents (my old standby being Hermés Eau d'Orange Vert). So I am attracted to the elements of this scent. Hay, oakmoss, and spices...these are things I can get behind. Because, quite frankly, things like rosewater, vanilla and (heaven forbid) gardenia make me gag.

Now, here's the catch: WienerBlut's first scent, Klubwasser, is at present only available at Collette in Paris, Breathe in Berlin, and Campomarzio70 in Rome.
So, uhm....anyone tried it yet? I'm dying to know what you think!
Let's zip over to Rome and buy ourselves a bottle or two! Sounds like a perfect excuse for a getaway, no?
I'm with you when it comes to sweetly feminine scents, especially roses and gardenias. It's funny, because I love the scent of real garden roses when I'm in an actual garden, but as soon as they are turned into perfume--yech. I much prefer a little spice and some citrus or woodsy scents. In fact, I often steal a bit of my husband's scents.
I love that bottle in the photo!!!
Gardenia is my favorite of all flowers but as a perfume I don't think it translates. I do love having cuttings around the house when they are in bloom. I am also fond of Casablanca Lillies. Again, not something I think can translate very well but that I absolutely love in a cutting.
My favorite scent is Violeta from Penhaligon's, which is airy and very light. Probably would make you gag if you notice
That pink bottle is gorgeous.
love Orange Vert as well...but I stopped wearing perfume after I had a baby - they seemed off to me it seemed weird to have scents so close to their new noses...I do however, love Frederic Malle parfums and just wore Bigarade around after a trip to Barneys and was in love...very unisex!
Gigi, I'm with you! Let's do it!
Yoli, I am also a great lover of the scent of the fresh flowers themselves. Sad that they so rarely translate into perfumes. I have not yet found your violet scent, but I have a feeling I might like it. Sugared violets were my favorite treat when I was small.
Pretty Mommy, I'm going to check out your recommendations...sounds like they might fit my olfactory tastes.
I checked out the website, it looks amazing!
Hi Maia,
Thanks again for the post! My brother is going to send you a sample :) Hope you like it! You never know with perfume, it's so subjective...
Let me know when it gets there!
ooh, thanks Cara! I can't wait to giv it a try! I'll keep you posted!
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