Hula hooping at the icecream shop yesterday afternoon (appropriately, after dinner we went home and watched The Hudsucker Proxy).

Q loves her hula hoops...

...and gets very creative when faced with an entire stack of them.

The dress was made for her by our friend
Hayley, who is a wonderful seamstress.

I love the old, battered slide that they imported this season.

...you know, for kids!
ps - these photos were all taken with my iPhone...I'm a belated addict to that device.
Wow with your iPhone! Those are great shots. That might become your new camera when on the run. I do not have one yet, still waiting for our carrier to carry it.
The dress looks wonderful on Q! It is such a lovely regal dress.
I always adore Q's figure, slim and slender ... but i don't know she has muscles (from the last set of pics)! She has such a beautiful form ... she is a born athlete.
Alliot, yes those muscles! That's just how her body is built. She is indeed a natural athlete, in both mind and body.
They were having a hula hoop contest there Friday night, but we couldn't stay!
Great, great FUN pictures!
Just found your blog and really enjoy it!
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