High water, and a walk with my mum in the mountains...

Due to early warm weather followed by some heavy rains, the spring runoff has been unusually torrential in the highcountry this year, causing some deaths, many cautions, and some cancellations among the usual array of spring watersport events. For us, forewarned as we were, it was a bit of a novelty. I lived in Vail for sixteen years and never remember seeing the rivers quite this high. This particular section in Edwards is usually a gentle trout stream, clear water rippling over dappled river stones.

Rising early on our first morning in town, we were able to go out for a lengthy walk with my mum under bluebird skies before the severe weather closed in again.

Q wondering at the roiling torrents.

Mathilda on the trail.

With the clouds just beginning to close in, we decided to press out luck and hit one of my old haunts, the West Lake Creek trail.

Q looking particularly elfin in her BOdeBO sweats.

The cutest photo of my mum...in spite of herself. For some inexplicable reason, she thinks she isn't photogenic. The result of this insecurity is that she tends to freeze up in front of a camera. Catch her off her guard, however, and you can get a lovely picture like this!
Your Mom has such a sweet face. I love what Q is wearing and also your yellow shirt and hat.
She looks just adorable and elfin as you mentioned. Ngawww.
Love so much the pictures Q with the stick ... a child with a wild spirit. And, beautiful Mathilda!
You are beautiful together:) happy weekend!
J'adore ces rencontres : grand-mère, mère, fille...des moments précieux de partage et d'amour.
Bom week-end.
Those sweats are so cute - I need some!!
OK - new idea... we'll go on a hike with the children??!
j aime particulierement cette serie
chacun marche
et il y a ce lien invisible et fort entre vous ...
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