
 Saturday nights as the parent of a toddler are not like Saturday nights pre-parenthood. 
That much is true.
 Since my husband works weekend nights at a local restaurant, weekends are Q and Mommy nights.
 Sometimes this means that we go to the aquarium. Sometimes, it's the trampoline place. Sometimes it's just a night of art projects at home. But sometimes, Q likes to get good and dressed up and go out on the town for cupcakes and frozen yogurt.
 No, it's not the club circuit. But I'll tell you what - it's not as much of a drag as it sounds to those who have not experienced the life-change of parenthood. 
In fact, when you're out on the town with a four-year-old like Q, it can be quite a thrill ride.
 The Q has many faces. She has many moods, most of them fleeting, except for joy, which is her main gear. She is a performer, a merry prankster, a magician, a wild card. She always has surprises in her proverbial pocket. She never fails to entertain.
She is, in a word, scintillating. 
I am a very fortunate parent, and nights on the town with my merry prankster are nothing to sneeze at.


Amélie said...

She's indeed scintillating!

Anonymous said...

Isn't being out with your daughter, doing the 'ladies who lunch' lifestyle, the best thing ever? As Hâuie is now 10 and a half, my time is getting limited - soon she'll be doing that with her friends instead. So enjoy it while it lasts! I love seeing Q's joy on all the photos, day after day.

Love to you both,

Carole (waiting to take Hâuie for a quick Vietnamese soup after school)

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

i couldn't agree more. Evenings out with my Leigh were so fun....even now....and she's 30!