
Taking a break....something really terrible has happened to our family, which will have to remain private for now. I am by nature a great optimist, and usually I am in love with life. But to be brutally honest, my faith in the human race has been shaken considerably this week, and I just don't have the will to blog at the moment. I am wishing you all well, and hope that things will turn out for the better, and that my faith in humanity will eventually mend. For now, I'm going to need to take a step back.

Peace - M.

My husband suggests that I clarify a bit so that people don't think the worst. No one is hurt
(per se), and we're all together and OK at the moment. What happened was the selfish act of a stranger, a drug addict, a young woman with no regard for human life, who endangered thousands of people at a local hospital this past year while stealing narcotics to fuel her addictions. It was the hospital where our daughter had her surgeries after coming home from China. The news just broke yesterday, and we will not know for a couple of weeks whether Q has been affected. Needless to say, we are devastated, horrified, angry and shaken. Whether or not our daughter has been affected by this, there will turn out to be innocent people who have been. I'm really too angry and disillusioned to speak rationally about what is wrong with the medical system that allows this kind of thing to happen (a great deal more often than it should in recent years, it seems). Maybe someday I can talk about it with a more objective mind. I have no doubt there will be more than one lawsuit in this case (the perpetrator is currently in custody) but there is simply no way to compensate for an innocent child being endangered like this just when she was starting out on her second chance at life. It's appalling. There is no justice to be had here, and no way to repay the victims. It's just a senseless nightmare. Needless to say no one is celebrating in this family today.


Tina Tarnoff said...

Goodness, Maia, I hope all is going to be well. I wish you all best and await for your return. My love to Q. xoxo

Ms. Jenn said...

I'm sorry for your sorrow. I hope that whatever ill has befallen you and your family is resolved. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

I totally understand your feelings here. Hang in there, baby.

Some Chilean Woman said...

Hope you have peace back in your life soon.

psyche said...

take care always,

walternatives said...

Dear M,

You are, by far, one of the most joyful of all the bloggers that I follow. It's painful to read that something terrible has happened to your family and, moreover, that you faith in humanity has been considerably shaken. I will be holding you and yours in my thoughts, visualizing your best and brightest good.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog recently and have loved reading through all your old posts. Just wanted to send my best wishes to you and your family.

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

Maia, I wish there was some words that would reassure you. But I have some boots and inscribed on the bottom of the soles are these words....

"angels follow your footsteps and stomp on dirt and evil people"

They have protected me thus far. I would gladly send them to you dear one.

...while the evil that has smudged you is a close call, it will not harm Q....i just know it...she is surrounded and protected by hundreds who love her and who follow her by your leading...

alliot said...

I'm so sorry for this. Wish all the best for little Q and your family!

clairette said...

Oh this is awfull! I can't find the words to tell you how much I understand the way you feel... I send all my best thoughts to your whole family. hope everything 'll be fine.

Palmer and Co said...

Oh, I am so heart broken for you all right now!! I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through mentally and emotionally. I was sick just hearing about this from my husband as he learned of it and now I'm more sick about it. Please know that you have our prayers! I mean that!

May God's peace rest on your minds and hearts and may His hope fill your hearts and home. Please keep us posted if your able...

FDChief said...

Our hearts are with you.

lovepics said...

maia, je pense très sincèrement à vous...

Kate Neckel said...

Thinking of you all...sending positive warm thoughts your way. So sorry to hear about this...

nath said...

All our thoughts. Take care.

rosemary said...

So sorry to hear of this pain for your family and all the others affected. We'll be praying for you guys as you wait for news.

Geisslein said...

Hope that everything will turn into good soon - wish you all the best!!!! geisslein

johnny said...

Dear Maia, I was so sorry to hear about this incident. Just the thought of any innocent child suffering for no reason at all truly hurts me. Try and stay in high spirits and in the meantime we will keep your family in our thoughts.

English Muse said...

Maia, I'm so sorry this terrible thing has happened to your family. I'm sending you many good wishes. Please let us know that everything is ok. you have many friends who love you. xoxo. t.

Jen Laceda | Milk Guides said...

Hi Maia,
I feel your pain. I am currently off work because of a litigation process we are embarking on as a result of someone's negligence and dishonesty (ok, our contractor). Although our case is not as heartbreaking as yours, we feel that we have been robbed a home and a life, just as I'm sure how you feel about Q's second chance at living. I am wishing you well. Please know that I am thinking of your struggle. Hoping for the best for your family...
Jen of Folie a Deux

Andrea said...

God, I'm so sorry. I really hope Q is okay, and that things work out quickly, although that doesn't sound realistic. But you obviously have a family very much in love, there to support one another. I'll be thinking about you, and about Q especially.

Yoli said...

Missing you and thinking of Q.

flyinamber said...

that's awfull!
I'm completely understanding you and hope all is going to be well!
I'm sending the best wishes to little Q and all of you!
come back soon,Maia!
hugs to you and kisses for Q!

Charlie said...

Maia I am devestated for your family. I pray that the princess is not affected in any way. I send you my love and wish you all the best. I know there is nothing anyone can say at this moment that will bring you any solace. Thinking of you all.


susanna said...

Maia, I'm soooo sorry that this has happened to you and your family - and to all the victims. It's just so very wrong. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

Maia, I have been following the story in your news. Unbelievable.
We miss you and Q, but understand. Let us all know how we can help.

Lonnie Hanzon said...

How do I spell this?



With you.