
Dinner at the White Fence Farm.

That's a map on her head, not a bonnet. This is the ultimate illustration of Q's clear and tactical understanding of the power of her own charm. This kid isn't even two yet. I fear for those who will fall at her feet.


Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

That second photo of Q is so....her....looking up...daring, curious. So wondeful to see you all together...and the Bunny! I am quite partial to sightings of bunnies...
Thanks for comment on The Huangs. (small footnote, the youngest Huang...the little girl, grew up to be an OBGYN in Taiwan.

lovepics said...

Q with the map on her head: A-DO-RABLE!! i'm so glad she's fine...wish you a very happy summer!

Amanda said...

Lovely, lovely photos - thank you so much for sharing them and glad to hear your dark cloud has lifted!

Jeanne-ming Brantingham said...

A MAP! Are you kidding me? I had to blow it up to be sure....
Goodness Gracious Mercy Me. We will certainly fall at her feet.

Yoli said...

You must buy that baby a bonnet! Oh the cuteness is excruciating!

psyche said...

Q is Cute, especially with the map/bonnet. :)

Carol Jeandel said...

You are so lovely with your Q !

Anonymous said...

Q is so adorable it is unreal. she has grown alot since the last time i checked your blog. god bless her