Just a little side- note to say that one of my illustrations (not this one, a new one!) is featured on the Pioneer Woman's gorgeous blog today. Here's a link to the post. I'm thrilled to have done a little work with her this past year. If you don't know her blog, you have a treat waiting for you...go check it out!!
Congratulations! I love your illustrations, and I'm sure being on Pioneer Woman will never hurt!
What an absolutely delightful illustration! I love the joy in the little girl's movements. I'm also likin' her stockings.What were you thinking about when you created her? And hurray for being featured on Pioneer Woman's blog!
Thanks, Andrea!
Susanna, I actually did this one while we were waiting to adopt our daughter. We'd come up with a couple of really good ideas for children's books during the wait, and I was trying out styles for one of them. I was imagining what our daughter might look/act/dress like when she was older. It was a great deal of fun imagining her life and coming up with these images. She's only 18 mos old now, so I still don't know what she'll look like, but she does have this kind of vigor and joy in life, which makes me so, so happy.
Oh, and the stockings were inspired by Pippi Longstocking, a long-time inspiration for me! I love Pippi.
I love it! Well done you!
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