
Mornings in Steamboat.

Yes, these men cook...which is excellent for the rest of us!

Someone mentioned recently that it's difficult to remember that Q is just a little girl. She has about her a maturity in both expression and posture, a natural sophistication, and then there is her height...she's taller than most four-year-olds, and even some older. So many people don't realize that she is in fact still a toddler. She has only just turned three! So, for all of those who have trouble remembering what a little she really is, I give you this. What you see here is a phenomenon that only happens when Q and Esme are together. One of them will start crying over something, and it will set the other one off...for no reason except that the first one is crying. It makes me laugh so hard that I had to take a whole series of pictures of the phenomenon. Esme is actually older, but they are still of an age when this sort of thing happens.

All's well that ends with being comforted by a daddy!

 Of course, the girls aren't the only ones who get eachother all worked up ;)

This old wagon is most likely a holdover from the pioneer days. Because our part of the country is so very dry and clement, things stay intact for many more years than they do in other parts of the country. It makes for interesting layers of history.

Important note: the beer is not hers ;)


Yoli said...

Oh no! I hate to see her cry! Beautiful photos Maia as always and I love her little coat, it is really pretty. My favorite shot is her with both her dogs and her beer.

Loree said...

Seeing them cry is sad. Sometimes all you can do is scoop them up and cuddle them. Children are such a joy.

kitchu said...

i have never seen one picture of her crying! it got me all worked up :(
she even looks a bit angry too!

love her whole personality- and you are right, it's easy to forget she's younger than E!! by a couple of years!!

Christiane said...

I, like Yoli, love her little coat (where does it come from?). I have never seen Q crying. She seems to be upset, probably you knew the reason....

Maia said...

Christiane, she was only crying because her friend was crying - and I don't remember why her friend was crying. Something very minor. The funny part is that it's a chain reaction - one of them cries, and the other one starts crying automatically. Q looks particularly fierce when she cries - which is very rarely. She is not a crier.

Christiane said...

Incroyable, cette capacité d'empathie qu'ont les enfants! Je suis tellement habituée à voir little Q smiling and laughing... Et ce joli manteau? D'où vient-il, je l'aime trop trop trop trop!!!