Though we escaped another big snowstorm, yesterday and today have been chilly here on the front range. But the weather forecast calls for steadily rising temperatures over the next few days, a push toward spring which I fully expect, given the timing, will set off the first of the April bloom.

In that spirit, and in anticipation of the season to come, I thought I'd post this glorious set of photos which I somehow failed to post when we took them last summer, during the height of our rose hedge bloom.

No photoshop was used here....this bush is such a neon fuscia in bloom that it very nearly blows out my camera settings.

It also blooms in such profusion that it's difficult to stay on top of the deadheading.

So Q and I spent a day or two gathering blooms into bowls, which would perfume our livingroom for days to come.

Oh, yeah! Bring it on.
Here's to the change of seasons!
It snowed here yesterday and today it's sunny, this weather needs to make up its mind. I want Spring!
Oh, yeah! I agree--bring it on! It was freezing here today, but I think this weekend is the last of it, and then we're gonna have spring!!!
Your rose photos from last summer are glorious! I wanted to dip my hands right into the bowl. What a way to welcome the blooming season.
I've been missing visits over here. The last two weeks were wacky! It's nice to be back here seein' what you're up to. xoxo Gigi
i hear ya! bring it on already! (do you think anyone heard me;)...) hope you are having a springy weekend!
this rose bowl is so beautiful I can smell it from here ;)
I can also smell the roses from here. How did that rose bush fare with your long winter?
THe roses LOVE Denver, Yoli. I think maybe it's the centuries of buffalo and cow poop here on the front range ;) But for whatever reason, roses thrive her. I don't know anything about roses and don't take care of them, and yet I can't restrain them. They're amazing.
Superbes photos, les enfants ont un lien très fort avec la nature et ça se ressent ici avec QQ.
Douce semaine.
Bring it on, my dear Maia! We'd love to welcome the sun and walk barefeet!
gorgeous - can't believe you didn't post them first time around. the copper bowl totally works with the pinks!
pink, flower, wonderful, sensual spring..... me like a lot!
agneta, the swedish one
Simply beautiful!
I cannot believe these blooms in Denver!!!?? We have nothing of the sort in KC- not even forsythia blossoms, yet.
I wanted to dip my hands and my face in there. I can just imagine that rose scented water against my skin.
This pink is amazing!
Bonjour de France!
Je vous remercie pour votre petite visite ainsi que pour votre gentil commentaire sur mon blog!
Il y a de très belles photos d'une adorable petite jeune fille dans ces lieux...
Très belle semaine et à bientôt,
Oh yes, let it snow, rose petals that is! :-)
We hit 70F today.
Your roses are just so beautiful! Dear weather more roses please!
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