I was a bit alarmed to notice today that it was Tuesday again. This has been a particularly rough month for us, illness-wise, as a family. It is more or less still our first year as a family, so a plethora of illnesses is probably par for the course. That said, I am one of those people with the kind of immune system that has allowed me the luxury of having a cold maybe once every three years, no more. So the first year or two as the parent of a toddler has been a serious wakeup call for me ;)
As it happens, the worst sick-month we've had this year also corresponds to a time during which I am working hard to complete some large-scale commissions and meet some serious deadlines in my professional life.
So, when I noticed it was Tuesday and I was in need of a Corner View, I had a moment of panic. "Miniature Worlds"? What could I come up with on short notice?
Then, scrolling through my photos, I remembered that I had never posted our shots from our family foray to TinyTown last summer. TinyTown is an Eastern Slope institution, and something that my husband (a Denver native) remembers fondly from his own childhood. It is an extensive village, executed in perfect miniature, set deep in the verdent Rocky Mountain foothills just southwest of Denver.

And so we did. We also stopped in with our extended family of nieces and nephews, including Q's elder cousin Harrison who, even before he met her, thought she hung the moon.

For more Corner Views from around the world, swing by Spain Daily and follow the links on the right!
Hope you guys are getting over the worst of the late winter illnesses. We had a brief spell last week too, and I barely managed to get any work done.
I love watching friendships blossom between children. Q and Harrison seem to have that bond that says they'll be friends for life.
this is lovely! I remember as a child going to a similar small scale village in Cornwall (England) with my Nanny. Loved it!
So adorable!
We have a miniture Netherlands in Den Haag.
It's called madurodam, some tourist go there and make pictures of the buildings so they don't have to visit the whole country. Isn't that hilarious?
big x Guusje
i was smiling through this whole post. and i thank you for that. good luck with all your projects my dear:)
It's a perfect little world for a perfect corner ! I hope everything is OK for you now !renelig
Love the way Q is ready to go in in! Very sweet the way Q's cousin is so taken with her. Funny how this happens sometimes, kids can take such a strong liking to each other or even certain special adults that cross their paths.
It looks like a great day and all that cousin loving is just perfect! I hope that you all feel much better soon (hopefully spring will put paid to all those colds) and that the commissions get completed.
wow so sweet.. I love it
I hope all the flu is behind everyone.
I like how your sweet Q climbs right into those little minis. xo
Beautiful miniature worlds!!!
p.s. hope you family are getting better
Precious and priceless! Love that cousin love! Hope you feel better soon!
love at first sight ;))
What a loving little boy. Q is gorgeous. She looks like she's having a great time in Tiny Town.
it looks like a fun place ...
That's a really neat experience, and I love the sweetness with her cousin.
Your blog is nice and your daughter is a little cutey.
Oh, we have got to check this out! SO cute!
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