Though this blog is not about salt, for some reason, ever since christening it, I can think of nothing but salt. Salt is everywhere - I hear it in the books I'm reading, in the wave sounds of our daughter's sound machine, in the music I listen to. I tasted brine on my fingertips as I dipped last night's Maine lobster into its attendant bowl of rich butter. I long to head down town to the spice market to peruse the subtle shades (pink, black, mineral-red) and textures displayed on their shelves of salt jars.
Particularly after the sugar-rush of yesterday's pastry cases, I couldn't resist a little collection of salt imagery for today's entry.
Bowls of salt from betterhealthnaturally.com
Salt flakes from joepastry.com
Salt crystal tea lamps from fengshuifusion.com
Clouds over the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah
The salt-white horses of the Camargue in Languedoc, where France's famous salts are harvested.
The Book of Salt by Monique Truong...this one is on my reading list.
Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky
My husband has this book, and read bits and snatches of it to me aloud last year while he was reading it. It was both fascinating and lyrical. I highly recommend!
I, too, enjoyed the Kurlansky book. As an oil company geologist in the 80's I got to tour some of the salt mines in the Gulf area. Incredible.
The horses of course leave me transfixed and blind to the salt pictures.
As soon as I saw the horses I jumped! "Camargue!"...That made me a little homesick but in a good way!
I am new to your site but I am already loving it and your gorgeous style.
Your daughter is adorable :) Precious actually!
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