This is another rather mysterious photo from the family archives. The handwriting on the back looks like my grandmother's, but could belong to any of her sisters or her mother just as easily. My French grandmother was quite fond of her cats, as were the other women in her family. So this could theoretically have been France, Italy or Morocco. The minous were everpresent in the family, and were generally spoken to in Italian, as were all family pets (I'm not sure how that tradition came into being). I still have the curious urge to say "vieni" or "basta" when I see a cat. We even had a couple around the house when I was a kidlet.
But the line stopped with me, I'm afraid.
I'm a dog person.
I love cats. I love that photo. I love that you speak Italian to them. But alas, I must be honest, if it came down to my cat or my dog to save from a burning house.... my dog is .. well... god spelled backwards.
Our cats would only smile cryptically when shown the picture, but someone left a note on mt pillow that read: "It is not for YOU to choose, Furless One."
But judging by the costumes of the two en in the picture, the thought that comes to mind for me is "Indonesia". Is that even possible?
Hands down a cat person. Love dogs, actually all animals but I am sweet on cats the most. They always seemed to me the most misunderstood of animals. I also have two very loud parrots which have been with me for many years. Yeah, I am a hello kitty type of gal...
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